Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My Parent

I knew everyone are faced and facing good or bad situations always.... right? But I think this is life no one would meet somethings bad happen behide their luck. Anyway, I would sharing you all to know of this a short story of my life, family as such as my beloved parent. And this is the picture of my parent that they took during 1960s, it’s about over 40 years ago. Mom told me that this picture she took with dad one day after they got married. She’s around 24 years old and my father he’s 9 years older than her. But they both looked the same ages not older that long.

Now a day my mother is living with me but my daddy he was gone when I was 9 months old when mom cared me as pregnancy in Pot Pot regime end of 1977. So I was the last child in my family for first father, but now I am not anymore, I became a second of elder of younger sister & one youngest brother after my mom married with step father since 1980s. And now my sister got married for 2 years ago and got one lovely son also.......is Raj.

Today we’re living together with mom & last dad “He’s so kindness to me & my sister all the times” and I felt very proud of him even my birth's father have no luck living with us, but we got as good father replace father Rath who gone for loge period of time. Even though, from my bottom heart no anydays make me forget this birth's father, I am missing him all the times even I really accepted yesterday never comes but he's still living a part of my heart forever till end of life. All of these above just short update story that I to sharing you all about my parent attached with their living life photo.

Lastly, I would very much thank for you always spending a bit of your busy times reading my this Blog :-)) Thanks..........!

Cheer - Sroh


At January 26, 2006 11:56 PM, Blogger Ken Malcomson said...

Your blog is very interesting! Thanks for sharing so much information about your beautiful country. It is heartbreaking to think of the terrible days of Pol Pot. I am very sorry America did not do more to stop it but it is good to see so many young people building better lives. I was wondering-- how did you lose your birth father? Was he a victim of the regime? I am trying to teach my children about the past history of the world, things I remember happening when I was a child (I am now 43) and that I studied in college. I took some studies on the Vietnam War and also learned some about Cambodia. Anyway, thanks for your blog. It's very enjoyable!
-- Cheers, Ken qdowjones@sbcglobal.net


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