Friday, April 21, 2006

Lessons learn for life - Part I

1. As much as I dream:
Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as dream can I be,

2. As the day goes:
Choice and wrong turns are made, as the day goes and the sun fades. People are loved and hearts are broken, as the day goes and words are spoken. Smiles and frowns are shown on the face, as the day goes and children play in open spaces. Happiness and sadness are felt by all, as the day goes and night falls. Tears of joy and tears of pain are shed, as the day goes and all are go bed.

3. Balance in life:
Imagine life as a game in which you’re joggling some 5-balls in the air, and you named them as: work, family, health, friends and spirit. And you are keeping all of these in the air. You’ll soon understand that work is rubber ball, if u drops it; it will bounced back. But the other 4-balls, family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. If u drops one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed or damaged, or even shattered. And they never be the same. You must understand that all strive for balance in your life.

4. Brighter Tomorrows:
Never stop caring about little life, as never stop dreaming or give in to the strife. Never stop build the bridges that lead the promised tomorrows, as never stop trying in to the sorrows. Never stop smiling and looking forward to each new day, but most of my friends....As never stop shining in your special way. Never forget all storms can clear, the grayest sky can turn purple blue. Remember the brighter tomorrows are near.............

5. Encourage your self:
Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is, had begging where he was?

6. Every deep count:
You easily judged the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them. If lately you have been telling others – How good your character is? Please ask your self and judge your self; what is good that you have done for others who cannot do anything good for you? Make difference to all the lives you touch, when build your character, every deed counts.

7. Everyday Makes Life:

Life gives you every morning a brand new day, sometime good; and sometime bad. But never blame the day in your life. Both are essential in life. Good days give you happiness, but bad days give you Experience.

8. Everything Ahead:
Even the defeat appears certain, victory is well within reach. Even the night is at its darkness, dawn ready on the way. Even everything before has been a disappointment or disaster, please never gives up or never gives in. Because everything ahead can be just as you decide to make it.

10. Feeling in love:
Love is so powerful because being loved one who loved oneself. Nothing contributes to the self-image more than loved by other. When the word “I LOVE U” are expressed for the first time, your world blossoms, your heart growth with inspiration, confidence, and thoughts of the mountain you can move. It’s more than emotion kick; suddenly you like yourself more than you have before.

10. Focus on goal:
Life is full of hills and valleys, some which would want us to want quit along the way.
It is during these times that we need to check our focus and remember that – The focus needs to be on finish, not the difficulties along the way, so please set your eyes on goal. o not be worried of the difficulties in your way then keep your focus on your goal.

11. Getting over the problems:
If you can’t get through the mountain – Go around it, but if you can’t go around, let’s go over. Again if you can’t go over it - Please set down and ask yourself. If getting to other side is all that important? if it is set, about digging a tunnel. So the totally of its meaning: For every problem, there are many solutions. Whatever the problems in life are, you have to find the way over it.

12. Haven on the Earth:
What goes around must come around too. As work you like don’t need the money and thinking of your energy. Love you’ve never been hurt as dance you like nobody’s watching and the sing you like nobody’s listen. Remember this, lives like its Heaven on the earth..............

13. How far you go:
“How far you go in life depend on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the struggling for and tolerant of the weak & strong --Because-- Someday you will have been all these.

14. It’s your choice:
If lives give us as rocks, don’t sit back and blame life for it. At every turn of our life, it give us choices which we fail recognized. So when the life give you rock, it still can choice whether to build a wall or to build a bridge?????

15. Trying to jump for new challenges:
Instead of avoiding challenges, please jump in to them. Then beat the heck out of them, enjoy the game. If your challenges are too long, please do not give up. Failings make you tired. Instead and recognized......Please find more termination, more knowledge and more help. And then, just go for it...!

16. Look within:
Everybody in our world always spend a lifetime search for happiness, and as looking for peace. They chase idle dream in addition, religions even other people hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony that only the place they ever needed to search within themselves.

Will part II


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