Sunday, April 23, 2006

Lessons learn for life - Part III

33. Be dynamic always:
Fills your life with anticipation, as set your goals, write what your to-dos. Just because you haven’t done something before, doesn’t mean that you can’t start doing it right now. So please be dynamic your self from this minute .........not too late!!!

34. Be kinds to all:
Whiles you collecting shells washed up in the beach, you will see a few that are fragile, and you might neglect them as worthy. But once of those shells are very beautiful. Still you won’t know what kind of journey that had to take or to get them in their fragile shape. It’s the same as people; don’t neglect them if they seem unworthy. So you will never know what journey they had through life “PLEASE BE KINDS TO ALL”

35. Be nice and smiles:
Be nice and smile to everyone to meet, even you don’t what they are going through, and thinking that they might just need a smile; at lease for a moment “It would make a lot of difference to them”. Life gives us many such moments to make others feel better. For morrow when you feel lows, someone might give u smile and make you feel better. ‘

36. Be the best:
We all can’t be captains with some have crew “There’re something for all of us” So if you can’t be the highway, then would be great trail, so if you can’t be sun but please trying to be a STAR. It isn’t by the size that you win or you fail, as the different lie in just being the BEST at whatever you are????

37. Be your life:
First of All please be your self! It’s much better than you imitation to someone else. We should accept that we are just human beings, and don’t trying to be perfect in eyes of others. If we have no room for simple like us, it would be very empty WORLD.

38. Better time will come:
Don’t let of pain of one season, and destroy joy of all the rest. Then don’t judge life by difficult season, and preserve thought the difficult patch. Remember that, the better times are sure to come sometime to later soon............

39. But not you:
Let others lead a small lives, but not you, as let others argue a small thing, but not you. It’s not difference just let others cry over a small hurts, but not you. And lastly, let others leave their futures in someone else’s hands, but not you.

40. Call for action:
We are all faced with challenges at some pints in your life. As challenges that we did not create, and challenges that happened beyond our control. The difference is how we respond to these challenges? Thus, you can adopt the attitude there’re nothing you can do or you can see the challenges as you can all to action.

41. The Clock of life:
The clock of life is wound only once, no man has the power to tell just when the hands will STOP!! At late or early hour, now is only time your own. Again remember that LIVE, LOVE, TOIL with a will as place no faith in time, then the clock may soon be still.

42. Close the door on your pass:
The past is only alive if you keep it alive, and you can’t change yesterday, still you can build for today and tomorrow. So don’t shackle yourself with regrets, and don’t feeling sorry for yourself too. Whatever your previous circumstance, and others have forgotten through out the same or worse. Please be appreciate yourself as a tasted supervisor: such as STRONG and determined learned from the PAST, but don’t assume that your past is automatically equal your life......!

43. Counting your life:
Remember this just count your night by stars, but not shadows.....

44. Create your own rainbows:
Let’s look with hope to the horizon of the today always, and then you’ll know for today is all we truly have. Live is the day well just let a little sun out as well as in? Be happy to create your own rainbows. To open to all your possibilities and your miracles, and always believes in MIRACLES.

45. Depth of love:
Loves is not finding the right person, but always create with the right relation, and LOVE it is not shown how much we have in the beginning, but it does with how much we build until end of the WORLD?????

46. Be desire:
The first ingredient of successes is desire, but do you know how much you want? Your desire is planning of your seed, as your desire for success must be within you that it’s the very breath your life. Last, it must be your first thought when you wake up in the morning, and your last thought whenever you go to bed at night time.

47. Do not run:
Please do not run through of you life so fast than forgot where you have been? And also don’t now where you’re going? So remember my word, life is not race, but is a journey to be savored each step of the way........!

48. Don’t repent:
Whenever you really need something, it will go away from you. But if you trying to catching, it will not get it again, if you let it go now! Thus, it’s mean you didn’t try it best then don’t repent, because you didn’t try it, so when you had a chance to hold it..!!!
Will be part IV


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