Saturday, October 21, 2006


Hi all, I am here back again, last night I thinking what I gonna to do or what I suppose to post my site today. Now I found small to what I want to say now. Please read thru and feed back you comments what do you think about this idea “Fairs or unfair?} {True or false} and another once {Good or bad}

(1) Why most relationships/marriages don't work in today's society?

Firstly, if you think of the word the of relationships/marriages historically have placed the male in the role of "provider" and the female as the "nature." Thus, the female’s historically has felt an obligation, societal, personal, or and religious mores) to "allow" the male to be "dominant" in the relationship. For example: "A man's home is his castle," "bringing home the bacon/sizzle lean) and therefore the "female" has "deferred “opinion/concern (whatever) to the male as a result (You're either yawning, saying, "Tell me something I don't already know;" or even, "Yes dammed. Yes & YES! That's exactly how it's supposed to be!!

Now-a-days, it would seem that in the vast majority of relationships both partners have a job where neither is doing the whole June Cleaver pearl-wearing, milk & cookies-after-school thing. As a result, the female is not inherently dependent on the male as a provider... hell she's out hunting' the big game with the "King of the Castle" too. She may also bring in more "game" into the relationship and therefore may be a tenth reluctant at the end of the day to "fetch the slippers, fix dinner, clean everything around kitchen or bathing the kid(s), then put them all in bed and oh by the way, give me a blow job while I'm watching Sunday Night concert…….. Just for relax but sometime not."

Anymore, the most likely response to that would be: "I've had a hard day too" Translated means: {Get it yourself; fix it yourself; they'll do it themselves and take care of it yourself} all women want to be taken care of natured too. Women want men to treat us equally but also treat us as females (not like a passive species that just happens to be there at a time of convenience). Yes, I know it's a contradiction.

Generally women have jobs, work the same number of total weekly hours (if not more) as their male counterparts-- and instead of feeling as though they can return to the bosom of their family with the understanding that the equal valiant of a beer/tv remote in hand while sitting in the Bar co-lounger (which may be defined as relaxing UNDISTURBED in a bathtub), well, non-existent.

I can guarantee ok? That it aren’t cooking' vittles, washing a "quick" load of clothes (is there any such thing as a quick load? It takes the same time to do as a "slow" load."), helping with homework, combing gum out of hair and the myriad of other things that occur in the evening hours. Granted... this is a generalization; the roles could be reversed but it's kinds like a unicorn ... you know it may exist but no one has ever really seen it.

Ergo, since in today's society we are all forced to work, generally speaking in some capacity or another, overall, women's self-reliance has increased and the all consuming need to swallow, rather than spit, has diminished exponentially as a result. If I was a betting woman, I'd bet that the 1800's woman married to some farmer who got a wild hair to go "out west" to farm/settle, would've divorced/left her hay-chewing' husband and headed back to town (where there may've been running water and you didn't have to dig in the fields with a baby on your tit)- 'fore the sun went down on his ass; no brain-er. Not many women out there would HONESTLY rather (in a comparison) "be" Laura Angels instead of Miss Kitty.

(2) Why all of the whine-assent' about not being in a relationship?

When the hell did people stop trying to make them-selves happy first? Have folks forgotten a fundamental principle about being happy themselves, not relying on another for happiness... one of those "ya just gotta reach out and grab it by the balls things" that no one else can do (or is responsible) for ya? You ask and folks will tell you: "I want to marry someone. I want to marry my best friend."

I just have to tell you, it's highly doubtful that occurs on a routine basis like this. It may happen and it may work like that for some; I tend to think that people can't separate love/lust and can't see further than the penis that they own or are "using." So like yourself first before you start inviting others into the misery of your own making; in the end, you'll be miserable and so will they.

(3) What the hell is up with feeling as though you have to make excuses for or justifying being single? Who cares???

Be happy with yourself and the hell with what other people think, or don't. This also goes along with being true to your-self. Sometimes folks get all creative and pretend {Yes, I said pretend} to be someone they are not while dating in the hopes of lassoing that big hunk o' man (or woman) and sealing the deal. I have one question for you: What the hell are you doing? Any moron can get married. It takes a lot more effort, work and compromise to be in a real relationship. If you're making shit up about yourself, you're no where near ready to be in a relationship with anyone--- including yourself (you are after all lying to yourself, right? So if you can't be honest with yourself, who the hell can you, be honest with?).

(4) I'm miserable because I'm single has...ha! (variation: I need a woman to make me feel complete) and if I were married/in a monogamous relationship I'd feel more positive. Bullshit. Read thru no. 3 again, You'd still be the same miserable shit you are now except you'd be sharing it with the one that you supposedly "LOVE" I understand being depressed and yes, there are times in everyone's life that people get depressed. What I don't understand (or have patience for) is chronic depression (these are the folks that are depressed for YEARS). People who are chronically depressed do nothing but piss me off.

They're wallowing in self-pity, geocentricism... and selfishness. Has….ha….YOU or ME???" Get yourself some help; life is too short to be depressed for most of it. Succinctly: let whatever issue that's got or has had you by the balls for the last 20 years go or get help for it... shut up about it and move the hell on.As for me, I don't have all of the answers and don't pretend to know. I'm not Dr. Phil or Oprah or any one else that is licensed to give advise (solicited or not). I've not been married for 50 years (and probably won't be); but I do know this... I'm not settling for something or someone that isn't right for me…... Thought I might want living alone forever…..

Lastly ideas, If Prince Charming comes along on his trusty steed--- fabulous. If not, I'm hip to that as well. Relationships regardless of the kind, shape or form should not define the individual and be the center of the universe and raison deter. Relationships are important to us as humans; my attempt is to not devalue them here but instead re-emphasize one of the most important relationships that we have is with ourselves... “to thin own self be true" and oftentimes we're not.

We're accustomed to fast food, fast cures, quickly marriages and will be quick to divorces... I think that a lot of folks operate on the premise that being in a relationship will "fix" whatever is wrong in their lives when instead, over time, it simply magnifies them... Then what we gonna to do??

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** As always I look forward to your feedback. If you have made this transition yourself, please add your tips for others to learn from..............


At October 21, 2006 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyy, how very nice blog? Good design, colourfrul with fillfull meaning........ I like the mean behind it. I want to say that { You're always a head}. Good job!

At October 21, 2006 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I wanna to know who the owner of this blog :-) Very good work means, nice view not waste my read ur. Bye i'll be back soon

At October 22, 2006 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice & coool site, alot idea, best desinged, good scheme and colorful. Keep ur good work!

At October 22, 2006 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog, thax 4 share this around.

Good job!!!!

At October 24, 2006 1:50 AM, Blogger asroh said...

My beloved friends, thanks for all comments, please advice if there's any mistake or make up me to work more better on this post......

Good luck!


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