Monday, April 24, 2006

Lessons learn for life - Part IV

49. Energy of life:
You only lose energy when life becomes dull in your mind. Then your mind gets bored and tired of doing nothing..!! Please get interest in something, and get it absolutely enthralled in anything. Get out of your life, be somebody and do something! Once again, please remember that the more you lose yourself, it’s not difference from something bigger that you..! But the more energy you will have.

50. Enjoy the rose for today:
One of the most tragic things about our nature is that all of our tend put off living. As same as we are all dreaming of some magical roses garden all over horizon instead of enjoying the rose blooming outside our windows today...!

51. Every morning brings:
Whatever the goal what you’re pursuing, it no matter how rugged the claim, then be certain to get there by trying your BEST, and will taking one day at a time. “Forever” is heard to imagine. Just reminding you that the “Future” may seem far away, but every new morning will brings a wonderful chance to do what you can on that day.

52. Explore the dream discover:
Please through off the bowlines, and then sail away from the safe harbor. As you catch the trade winds in your sails “Although, you’ll explore your dream discover”.

53. Failure is not a negative mean:
We can say that the failure is not a negative meaning; it’s as a teacher, or as molds, refines, and polished you. So that one day your light will shine for all to see. And it’s not the failure of your experience that will be determining your destiny but your next step is the next will tell the story of your life.

54. Feel every moment:
Life is like a rainbow, it’s always good from a distance as you enjoy; but try to capture it and you have nothing to the capture. So please don’t try to capture your life feel every moment.

55. Feel life:
Whenever one feels that’s all is over, please let him sit down and think “The truly is much more to life than over. That mean life is more than what we see or touch, so that life is to be “felt” then let’s feel each moment of LIFE.

56. Just finding happiness:
People go through ups and downs of the life and constantly keep on searching for happiness. While the way to the happiness is: just keep your heart free from hate; and your mind from worry, to expect little but give much. Filling your life with LOVE, then please scatter the sunshine, forget self, think of others, do as you would like done. Let’s live in a simple life, try this for a week then you’ll be surprise.

57. For every evil:
For every evil under the sun, there’s a merely or there’s none; finally, if there’s one try to find it then, but there’s none that never mind.

58. Forgot to love:
First, I was dying to finish my high school, and start the college. And then I was dying finish my college and start to work. After that I was dying to marry and have some children. And then I was dying for my children to growth old enough, so I could back to work. But when I was dying tired, and I now I was dying. Suddenly, I realized I forgot to live. Just remember what I said, don’t let these happen to you, please be appreciating your present situation, and then enjoy each DAY...!!!

59. The future is yours:
The future to whose who are willing to build it, but you can’t future in the future “so you have to build it now”. The more ambitious you dreams, is the sooner you starting and making them real. Thus, remember again, “Future is yours”, please start today to make it exactly how you want to do????????

60. Get work done:
“If you believe in what you’re doing, then let nothing hold you up in your work. It’s same as much of the best works of the world have been done against seeming impossibilities. The THING is get to the work DONE”.

61. Just go ahead:
Again remember dear, before you start some work, please always asking your self of three questions: Firstly, “why am I doing?” then secondly, “what the result might be?” and thirdly, “will I successful later on?” Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory to answer to these questions “SO JUST GO AHEAD”.

62. Go out and create:
The question is “how does one find good in a world (With so much painful; with so many hungry children, and then with lot suffering). The answer is not trying to find “GOOD” but to create it, by helping one person at a time. Let’s go out and create something good right NOW!!

63. When greatness comes:
Greatness comes not when things always go good with you dear, but it comes when you’re tested. As when you take somebody knock, some disappointments, and when the sadness comes. Because, only if you’re have been in the deepest valleys you can know “how magnificent is to be on the highest MOUNTAIN”

64. Happiness is:
Please be thinking that “Happiness is like a butterfly” the more you chase, is the more it elude you. But if you turn your attentions to other things, it’ll come and softly and then sit on your shoulders”
Will part V


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