Sunday, May 21, 2006

Good Lessons of life - Part V

65. Let’s hold the hand:
In any relationship, the essence of truth is not in its bind, ages, caste or creed but it’s in its BOND. So please hold the hand of person whom you love, rather than expected them holds ours........

66. Without of HOPE:
Every life in our world can live about forty days without food, and about three-days without water, next about eight minutes without air, BUT IT’S ONLY ONE SECOND WITHOUT HOPE........remember this important note.

67. How the time flies:
They’re always says that “how the time files” the day go by they’re years, and the year finally comes our whole life. Each daily portion can be wasted or it can be a pleasure before it gone forever?? So if a review of the day concluded that we were too stressed, or too busy; didn’t accomplish anything or didn’t have any fun, and then it have been another lost piece of the precious life.

68. I am a dreamer:
Climbing higher mountains, I’ll not descended down word , until after I have conquered that fear. Then I am clashing stars within hands. They shall stray from my touch coz I am a dreamer. My wings lie in my mind where they allow me to divide the clouds. As I ascent through their cotton-like tufts, once I can’t pieces my heart with any arrow, coz it’s filled with pure bliss and compassion. No one will ever able to seize that from me. Although, that times my eyes may looks wounded and my strength has never fled.

69. Believe in me:
I accepted that it’s heard to say you’re okay, in the midst of hurt and strife. Because of you seek, find and preserve though every strange of life. You are wonder what the future holds?? Or how success you will be then? “But you often fail tell yourself “I believe in me”

70. I can feel you:

Whenever darkness is around, and it’s lay down head, but I still feel you’re around/near by me.......As whenever sunshine is comes and I think it’s time to open my eyes.....still I already feel you’re around me..........So remember friend, wherever you are or whatever you do, I also feel you are around me always..........

71. I knew I love you:
Why I said this word out? Coz my eyes could see you, and my heart could feel you all times, then my breath could sense you “All those above I knew I loved you.........before I meet you, and miss you every minutes when I did not see you........

72. I will learn to:
If I feel depressed; I will learn to cheers up, and if I feel sad; I will learn to laugh. If I sick; I will learn to be healthy, as if I feel fear; I will learn to plunge ahead.......... If I feel inferior, I will learn lookup to myself. Even if I feel poverty; I will learn think of wealth to come in one day soon. If I competition; I will learn to think of my past success. If I in signification; I will learn to remember my GOAL. Last suggestion I will to be the master of my emotions; and I will learn to change........

73. If I never try:
I will sail my vessel; till the river run dry. Like a bird upon the wind, think these waters are my sky. I will never reach my destination, I never try. So I will sail my vessel till the river run dry “it must try in one day........I can do it and you can as do as myself”.

74. If only we believe:
To believe is to know that everyday is a new beginning, as it’s to trust that miracles happen; and the dreams really come true. To believe to see the angles is dancing among the clouds; to wonder of a stardust sky, and the wisdom of the man in the moon. To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart; the innocence of a child’s eyes, and then beauty of hanging hand “For it is thought their teaching we to learn in LOVE”. To believe is to know we’re not alone; think that life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it. And last meaning of to believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us; when it’s time to pick up the pieces and begging again. It’s all ONLY WE BELIEVE.......!

75. If you don’t:
If you don’t after you want, you’ll never have it. As if you don’t ask the answer is always NO. It’s not difference if you step forward you’re always in the same place forever....... Then if you don’t never dream as you’ll never success in life. So you if don’t stretch you’ll never have IT.

76. If you think you can:
If you think you’re beaten, you’ll be beat by someone. As if you think you’re dare not; you don’t. If you think you want to WIN but you can’t; it’s almost you cinch but you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost. For out of the world we’ll find the success begging with a fellow’s wills, as it’s all in a state of mind. We can say life is battles don’t go away; please be stronger and faster man, but sooner later the man who wins is the man who thinks he CAN

77. If you wanted:
If you wanted to sing, then do sing; as same as if you wanted to laugh then do laugh. If you wanted to have funs then do enjoy it; if you wanted to live then do it for others. So remember that, those will make you “Sing, laugh and funs”

78. Belief in lies strength:
In this beauty world, there’s no limit to what you can imagine; and with commitment, with effort? Thus, what you can imagine you can become. Please put in mind to work for you, and believe that you can do it well, only the world will tell you that you can’t. Yet, in your belief you’ll find the strength and the ability to do it anyways....

79. Interest and commitment:
There’s a difference meaning of interest and commitment, as an example when you’re interested doing something, you’ll do it only circumstance permit. But when you’re committed something, you’ll accept no excuses only results.

80. The firstly of means:
Please be standing for that you believe in, as a regardless of odds against you and just pleasure that tears you means COURAGE!
Will Part VI

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Lessons learn for life - Part X (last chapter)

145. Just accomplish your purpose:
Pleases allow yourself to discouraged and think that you life is in-signification, then you can’t make it change. As you will not have a sense of accomplishment; unless you have to define the purpose of your life, then don’t forget you’re a special person and only you fulfill to which - you were born to accomplish.

146. Just trying harder:
It’s just because of something is difficulty but doesn’t mean we don’t try..........Thus; it’s mean that we should try harder as spiders.

147. Searching for happiness:
Realize that true happiness lies within you guy, waste no time and afford searching for, as peace, contentment and joy in the world outside. Please remember that, there’s no happiness in having or in getting but only in giving. So let’s reach out.......share, smile, and hug; then happiness is a perfume you can pour on others, without getting a few drops on you.

148. Shining stars:
As something simple can change your day, something simple can change your way. It’s in your heart not in mind. It’s something good inside you’ll find, and then don’t forget who you are? But don’t forget you’re a shining your beautiful world.

149. Something better for you:
Please remember yourself; whenever something happen to you even GOOD or BAD; consider it means. There’s the purpose of life events, to teach you how to laugh, but not to cry too hard? When you feel down because you did not get what you want; then just sit tight and be happy “GOD has thought of something better to give you.”

150. Struggles a little:
It’s not different from something struggles are exactly what we need in our life, if we were to go through life without any obstacles; we should not as be strange as we have been and we could never fly. So the time when you’re faced as obstacles; as a challenges or a problem just struggles a little then fly!!!!

151. Taken risk:
Just remember that the RISK must be taken because the greatest tragedy in life is not to risk with nothing. So the person, who risks nothing; does nothing and has nothing to look forward to, it’s mean that he has nothing too. By avoiding risk; you my avoid some suffering and sorrow but you may can’t learn, feel or and change, to grow or love. That only for a person who risks is free; if he dreams, take risks as he succeeds......too.

152. That’s why?
I’ve missed more that 9,000 shorts in my career, then I’ve lose more than 300 games. For more than 26 times that I’ve been trusted to take the games within shot and missed. Then I’ve failed over, and over and over again in my life that why I’ve succeeds like today!!

153. The purpose of Life:
At the time we wonder, what is the purpose of our lives? Why are we here? And what should we do in our life achieve? Why only few people are referred as “GREAT”? Who told them their purpose of life? Then we try to search our purpose of our existence. And in sometime we should give up; as we can tell ourselves “I’m here just to live”. No any human born with their objectives, then we no need to purpose of his life.

154. The light inside:
Everyone in this WORLD is like stained glass windows; so whenever the sun is shining thru them, they’ll grow brightly and sparkle. But whenever the sun goes down, it’ll automatically dark and gloomy inside; so their true beauty is revealed – only if their light from within. Then just that know people by they from inside; but by not appear from out....!

155. The man who dares:
It’s not critic who counts; and not also the man who point out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have been done them better. And the credit belongs is the man who is actually in the arena; whose faced is marred by the dust, sweat and blood; who errs and come shot again and again........ Who knows the great enthusiasm, as the great devotions, and spent his time in worthily because; as whom at the last knows in the end the trumps high achievements. And who’s at the worst example: if he fails, at last fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with whose cold and timid souls as who’s neither victory and nor defeat.......!

156. As time doesn’t wait:
Just reminding you all to know that time doesn’t wait if you think might have found the right once; to treasure the person, and don’t that person gone away. As don’t let fear hold you back just give a try else you might regret later........ “Thus; no one know than ourselves knew and understood what we truly make us happy?”

157. Then to make you win:
Please don’t not give up as you do not give in; for hope is there no to make you WIN!!! Whether thought trouble or pain then the lesson should never been in vain at all. Just straight though in night, as it might feel like to have lost sight, but be hold just few moment more. And light will break through with roar. So do not give up and not give in..... for hope is there to make you win in your life.

158. Treasure within you guy:
The treasure is not in what you won, or you wear and how you look, or and in worldly of accomplishments. But the treasure is within you, and it’s only need to be unconverted and discovered.

159. Just trust GOD:
Whenever god lead you to edged of the cliff; the trust him clearly, there’re only one or two good thing will happen. Either he will catch you when you fall or as he will teach you how to fly........through your life.

160. We do choose:
All women and men are born; live as suffer and die; as what distinguishes us one from to other is our dreams; whether we dream worldly or unworldly things...... But we do not choose to be born, as we do not choose our parents; and we do not choose our historical epoch the country of our birth or the immediate circumstance or our upbringing. Then we also do not most of us or choose to die; as nor we do not choose the time and condition to death. But within this realm of choice-less-ness then really do choose how TO LIVE???

THE END.....

Personal Comment:

I would like to inform you that this useful article, I've in once website address and I don't remember specific address. After, I finished read through its whole meaning, and I thought that I should post these idea in to my blog to make good lesson learn for other friend who want to know more about our lifestyle in our WORL. And how to managing it is better and better? In this work, I am working a lone and tried all my best to make up more readable and realiable

Lastly, I would like to say thanks for you time read thru these useful ideas as your lesson learn to manage you life living better in our beautiful WORLD.

Wish you all may good luck and happiness, success and properous may happening to every family..... Look forward to get any feed back from you al. Thanks again!

Best Regards;


Friday, May 12, 2006

Problem with GUYs!!!

If you treat him nicely, he says you are in love with him;
If you don’t, he says you are proud.

If you dress nicely, he says you are trying to lure him;
If you don’t, he says you are from village.

If you argue with him, he says you are stubborn;
If you keep quiet, he says you have no brain.

If you are smarter than him, he will lose face;
If he is smarter than you, he is great.

If you don’t love him, he tries to possess you;
If you love him, he will try to leave you (very true huh?)

If you don’t make love with him, he says you don’t love him;
If you do, he says you are cheap.

If you tell him your problem, he says you are troublesome;
If you don’t, he says that you don’t trust him.

If you scold him, you are like nanny to him;
If he scolds you, it is because he cares for you.

If you break your promise, you cannot be trusted;
If he breaks his, he is forced to do so.

If you smoke, you are bad girl;
If he smokes, he is gentleman.

If you do well in your exams, he says it is luck;
If he does well, it is brains.

If you heart him, you are cruel;
If he hurts you, you are too sensitive!!!

And it is sooo hard to please a man!!!!!

** If you send this message to guys, they will swear that it is not true... But if you don’t, they say you are selfish…

Thanks you hahaha!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Lessons learn for life - Part IX

129. There’s no other time:
Whatever I may want to do; I must be done today, because there’s no other time. As yesterdays are but today’s, used and gone beyond my grasp, so not any can brought it back. Tomorrows are today’s waiting birth, and then each comes unbidden in the night. Be remembering this, to arrive full-fledged for me to use, and whatever I may want to do.

130. This had been enough:
“I am nothing special; for this I am sure. I am commons man with commons thoughts, and I’ve led commons life. There’s no monuments dedicated to me and my name will be soon forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart soul; and to me, this always been enough.”

131. Time will heal:
“If a loved one has departs, and left an empty space; seek the inner stillness and set a slower pace. Take time to remember; allow myself to cry, acknowledge your emotions just let sadness pass on by. Then the center oneness, just remember......GOD IS HERE always, as death is but change in form, as your loved one is still near. So please treat yourself with kindness, and then allow yourself to feel, as GOD will do the mending, and the time will help you heal.”

132. Time you spend:
Don’t be wait for some instant day to come, it may be too late you’ve begun, as not anyone agree with all you decide. First and foremost be true to yourself, and realize that only the important thing in life is what you do is the time you spend here on the earth.

133. Treat everyone as special:
Let’s beginning from today; treat everyone meet as if they are going to death by mid-night. Please extends to them all the care, kindness and understanding as you can muster; and it with no thought of any reward. Thus, your life will never become the same again.

134. The true friendship:
The true friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, as for life without friends is like life on the desert islands. Thus, to find good real friend in lifetime is good fortune; just to keep him as a blessing.

135. True strength:
As anyone can give up; it’s the earliest thing in the world to do, but to hold it together. So when everything seems like failings apart “That’s a true strength.”

136. Let’s try again:
Similarly, a little plan I tried to carry, and have failed O’ DEAR GOD!! But I will not sorrow, so I’ll pause a little while and try it again tomorrow.

137. We could never fly:
Example, if GOD was with us throughout our life, it could be has been a smooth journey. And sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life, so if we were go through life without any obstacles it would be cripple us. Then we would not as strange as we could have been and we could never fly.

138. We grow by dreaming:
We grow a great by a dream; as all big men are dreamers, they can see thing in the soft haze of a spring day, or in a red fire of a long winter’s evening. And some of us let these great dreams die, but still others nourishes and protects them; or nurses them from bad day till they bring them to the sunshine. At the end; light which come always to those who sincerely hope that their dream will become true in one day..........!

139. What’s make u happy?
Please answer these questions as following: Is it what you have, or who you are? And then where you are, or what you are going to do “That make you happy or unhappy”.
All above it what you think about.
140. When you don’t try:
If you failed many times; although you don’t remember, so when you feel the first time to tried to walk, as you almost drowned the time you tried to swim. Please don’t worry about frailer but just worry chances you miss when you don’t even try.

141. Where you’re belong:
As some people can make the world happen; more watch the world happen and most they wondering what will happen? That’s you choice and own though what group that you want belong to???

142. Why not you guy?
Please think that today is a new day, there’re many will seize this day; as many will live in to fullest “But I wonder why not you?”

143. As you sharp your children:
Always remember this, your children will become what you are; so please make sure and be what you want them to be?

144. Your shining stars:
There’re a lot stars in the sky; but only few are radiant that enough to catch your attention. But among what you choose to ignore, there will be only one...! Even you glance remain elsewhere. Still it doesn’t need to expect anything from your side and have no regret. Whether you stairs at it or not, it’s up to you “How you look upon it.”
Will part X (Last once)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Lessons learn for life - Part VIII

113. People never forget:
For example, if you are leader of one country, your people will forget what you said, and what you done but they never forget what you made them feel....

114. Purpose of life:

It’s never enough just to have lived, but to determine to live for something. So it should creating joy for others, as working for betterment in the society, be please in sharing what we have, be bringing hope to the lose, and giving the love for other lonely.....

115. Road the happiness:
For the road to happiness lies in to simple principles; first to find what it is that interests you or that you can do it wells? Secondly, when you find it please put your whole soul in to it, every bit of energy, ambition and natural ability you have.

116. Setback and failures:
As the harder of knock you go thru in life, the more you learn and put them to use in the future. Please do not discourage by setback and failures.......! They teach you more than anything else.

117. Let’s start from this minute:
No anyone in this world can go back and make a brand new start, but everyone can start from now and make a brad new ending.....!

118. As start it right now:
If we just worry about the big picture; as we are powerless. So, in my secret is to start right way do whatever little work you can do. And you try to joy one person in the you can remover suffering other person from afternoon........ Thus, you just start it NOW!!!

119. State on mind:
Thinking as big and deeds will glows, as thinking small and deed will fall behind........ So just think that you can and you will..... It’s all state of mind.

120. Please stay happy always:
Remember also meaning of happy does not empty, as tomorrows of its sorrow. Just let it empties for today of its don’t worry and stay happy.

121. Staying downs:
Whenever you falling down does not mean make you a failure but you if staying downs it MUST.......

122. Stepping into unknown:
Whenever you come to the end of the all the light, you’ll know that it’s time to step in the darkness of the unknown. Faith knows that one of two things will happen. Either will be given something solid to stand on.....or you’ll touch to fly.

123. Just take each day:
People lose their health to make money; then they lose their money to restore the health. By our thinking anxiously about future; they forgot their present, such that they live neither for the present nor future. Then they love if they’ have never die, and they die if they have never lived. So please take each day as it comes; and live each day to the fullest.

124. Teach me the way....:
“Creators teach...... me compassion, please forgiveness and selflessness; May my journey be one a honor and respect. May I follow my heart without regret? And allows my spirit
to see the beauty as to believe with innocence. Then to create new hope where there is NON; and to always follow the beckoning call of the Great Spirit and whispering from above”

125. The best in you:
There’s no oil; if Oliver is not same will have no WIN, if grapes are not pressed........It’ll have no perfume, if the flower has not crushed. Have you felt any pressures in your life today? Please no worry........GOD is just bighting out the best in you!

126. The man who strives:
It’s not only critic that counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumble.....or where the doer of needs could have done better. Similar to the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the Arena..... Whose face is marred by dust, sweat and blood? But who strives valiantly as who errs, and come short again and again because there’s no effort without error and shortcoming. That a credit belongs to the man who does actually strives to do the deeds.

127. The world can be won:
Do not let your fire go out; speak by an irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, so the not – quiet, as the not yet is the not at all. Please do not let the hero in to your soul perish in lonely frustration for the live you deserved, but never been to reach, as you can check to road and the nature of your battle. So remember that the second world you desire can be won “it exists, it’s real, it’s possible and it’s yours”.

128. The world is waiting for you:
You have to potentials; or and to be anything you want, then you are free to choose. You’re limited only by your fear, just let’s your dream take over then fly with eagles. Be soar in to life, thus the second world is waiting for you.
Will part IX