Monday, May 01, 2006

Lessons learn for life - Part VIII

113. People never forget:
For example, if you are leader of one country, your people will forget what you said, and what you done but they never forget what you made them feel....

114. Purpose of life:

It’s never enough just to have lived, but to determine to live for something. So it should creating joy for others, as working for betterment in the society, be please in sharing what we have, be bringing hope to the lose, and giving the love for other lonely.....

115. Road the happiness:
For the road to happiness lies in to simple principles; first to find what it is that interests you or that you can do it wells? Secondly, when you find it please put your whole soul in to it, every bit of energy, ambition and natural ability you have.

116. Setback and failures:
As the harder of knock you go thru in life, the more you learn and put them to use in the future. Please do not discourage by setback and failures.......! They teach you more than anything else.

117. Let’s start from this minute:
No anyone in this world can go back and make a brand new start, but everyone can start from now and make a brad new ending.....!

118. As start it right now:
If we just worry about the big picture; as we are powerless. So, in my secret is to start right way do whatever little work you can do. And you try to joy one person in the you can remover suffering other person from afternoon........ Thus, you just start it NOW!!!

119. State on mind:
Thinking as big and deeds will glows, as thinking small and deed will fall behind........ So just think that you can and you will..... It’s all state of mind.

120. Please stay happy always:
Remember also meaning of happy does not empty, as tomorrows of its sorrow. Just let it empties for today of its don’t worry and stay happy.

121. Staying downs:
Whenever you falling down does not mean make you a failure but you if staying downs it MUST.......

122. Stepping into unknown:
Whenever you come to the end of the all the light, you’ll know that it’s time to step in the darkness of the unknown. Faith knows that one of two things will happen. Either will be given something solid to stand on.....or you’ll touch to fly.

123. Just take each day:
People lose their health to make money; then they lose their money to restore the health. By our thinking anxiously about future; they forgot their present, such that they live neither for the present nor future. Then they love if they’ have never die, and they die if they have never lived. So please take each day as it comes; and live each day to the fullest.

124. Teach me the way....:
“Creators teach...... me compassion, please forgiveness and selflessness; May my journey be one a honor and respect. May I follow my heart without regret? And allows my spirit
to see the beauty as to believe with innocence. Then to create new hope where there is NON; and to always follow the beckoning call of the Great Spirit and whispering from above”

125. The best in you:
There’s no oil; if Oliver is not same will have no WIN, if grapes are not pressed........It’ll have no perfume, if the flower has not crushed. Have you felt any pressures in your life today? Please no worry........GOD is just bighting out the best in you!

126. The man who strives:
It’s not only critic that counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumble.....or where the doer of needs could have done better. Similar to the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the Arena..... Whose face is marred by dust, sweat and blood? But who strives valiantly as who errs, and come short again and again because there’s no effort without error and shortcoming. That a credit belongs to the man who does actually strives to do the deeds.

127. The world can be won:
Do not let your fire go out; speak by an irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, so the not – quiet, as the not yet is the not at all. Please do not let the hero in to your soul perish in lonely frustration for the live you deserved, but never been to reach, as you can check to road and the nature of your battle. So remember that the second world you desire can be won “it exists, it’s real, it’s possible and it’s yours”.

128. The world is waiting for you:
You have to potentials; or and to be anything you want, then you are free to choose. You’re limited only by your fear, just let’s your dream take over then fly with eagles. Be soar in to life, thus the second world is waiting for you.
Will part IX


At June 06, 2006 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At June 06, 2006 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At June 06, 2006 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing ur site around


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