Sunday, May 21, 2006

Good Lessons of life - Part V

65. Let’s hold the hand:
In any relationship, the essence of truth is not in its bind, ages, caste or creed but it’s in its BOND. So please hold the hand of person whom you love, rather than expected them holds ours........

66. Without of HOPE:
Every life in our world can live about forty days without food, and about three-days without water, next about eight minutes without air, BUT IT’S ONLY ONE SECOND WITHOUT HOPE........remember this important note.

67. How the time flies:
They’re always says that “how the time files” the day go by they’re years, and the year finally comes our whole life. Each daily portion can be wasted or it can be a pleasure before it gone forever?? So if a review of the day concluded that we were too stressed, or too busy; didn’t accomplish anything or didn’t have any fun, and then it have been another lost piece of the precious life.

68. I am a dreamer:
Climbing higher mountains, I’ll not descended down word , until after I have conquered that fear. Then I am clashing stars within hands. They shall stray from my touch coz I am a dreamer. My wings lie in my mind where they allow me to divide the clouds. As I ascent through their cotton-like tufts, once I can’t pieces my heart with any arrow, coz it’s filled with pure bliss and compassion. No one will ever able to seize that from me. Although, that times my eyes may looks wounded and my strength has never fled.

69. Believe in me:
I accepted that it’s heard to say you’re okay, in the midst of hurt and strife. Because of you seek, find and preserve though every strange of life. You are wonder what the future holds?? Or how success you will be then? “But you often fail tell yourself “I believe in me”

70. I can feel you:

Whenever darkness is around, and it’s lay down head, but I still feel you’re around/near by me.......As whenever sunshine is comes and I think it’s time to open my eyes.....still I already feel you’re around me..........So remember friend, wherever you are or whatever you do, I also feel you are around me always..........

71. I knew I love you:
Why I said this word out? Coz my eyes could see you, and my heart could feel you all times, then my breath could sense you “All those above I knew I loved you.........before I meet you, and miss you every minutes when I did not see you........

72. I will learn to:
If I feel depressed; I will learn to cheers up, and if I feel sad; I will learn to laugh. If I sick; I will learn to be healthy, as if I feel fear; I will learn to plunge ahead.......... If I feel inferior, I will learn lookup to myself. Even if I feel poverty; I will learn think of wealth to come in one day soon. If I competition; I will learn to think of my past success. If I in signification; I will learn to remember my GOAL. Last suggestion I will to be the master of my emotions; and I will learn to change........

73. If I never try:
I will sail my vessel; till the river run dry. Like a bird upon the wind, think these waters are my sky. I will never reach my destination, I never try. So I will sail my vessel till the river run dry “it must try in one day........I can do it and you can as do as myself”.

74. If only we believe:
To believe is to know that everyday is a new beginning, as it’s to trust that miracles happen; and the dreams really come true. To believe to see the angles is dancing among the clouds; to wonder of a stardust sky, and the wisdom of the man in the moon. To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart; the innocence of a child’s eyes, and then beauty of hanging hand “For it is thought their teaching we to learn in LOVE”. To believe is to know we’re not alone; think that life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it. And last meaning of to believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us; when it’s time to pick up the pieces and begging again. It’s all ONLY WE BELIEVE.......!

75. If you don’t:
If you don’t after you want, you’ll never have it. As if you don’t ask the answer is always NO. It’s not difference if you step forward you’re always in the same place forever....... Then if you don’t never dream as you’ll never success in life. So you if don’t stretch you’ll never have IT.

76. If you think you can:
If you think you’re beaten, you’ll be beat by someone. As if you think you’re dare not; you don’t. If you think you want to WIN but you can’t; it’s almost you cinch but you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost. For out of the world we’ll find the success begging with a fellow’s wills, as it’s all in a state of mind. We can say life is battles don’t go away; please be stronger and faster man, but sooner later the man who wins is the man who thinks he CAN

77. If you wanted:
If you wanted to sing, then do sing; as same as if you wanted to laugh then do laugh. If you wanted to have funs then do enjoy it; if you wanted to live then do it for others. So remember that, those will make you “Sing, laugh and funs”

78. Belief in lies strength:
In this beauty world, there’s no limit to what you can imagine; and with commitment, with effort? Thus, what you can imagine you can become. Please put in mind to work for you, and believe that you can do it well, only the world will tell you that you can’t. Yet, in your belief you’ll find the strength and the ability to do it anyways....

79. Interest and commitment:
There’s a difference meaning of interest and commitment, as an example when you’re interested doing something, you’ll do it only circumstance permit. But when you’re committed something, you’ll accept no excuses only results.

80. The firstly of means:
Please be standing for that you believe in, as a regardless of odds against you and just pleasure that tears you means COURAGE!
Will Part VI


At June 06, 2006 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How a wonderful think, where u got these best ideas from?

Thanks anyway!

At June 06, 2006 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's great article, I like ur best, Cheers

At June 07, 2006 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never tired read thru your!


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