Saturday, April 29, 2006

Lessons learn for life - Part VII

97. Life is thought:
Why I said life is thought? As similar as, when we ease to think; there’s no life. How we think is the kind of life that we live? So if we are able to control our thought, we can determine the course of life, the way we feel during our time here. Remember that it’s very important to establish good thinking guideline and fellow them. Placing thoughts of peace and happiness in your mind will help to make our lives peaceful and happiness. And if we do not thought properly, we will be dragged thought by the way where we do not wish to go..........

98. Life move ahead:
It’s really to remember the past but don’t let the pass capture your future, and then the greatest thing about life is it move ahead but never goes back. Just to remember that when it moves ahead, a new once is beginning to starts.

99. Life in the present:
Please do not be look back, and grieve over the past for its gone; and don’t be trouble about the future, for it has not come yet so no worry ahead what’s not happen yet! Thus,
just live in the present and make it so beautiful, that it will be worth remembering.

100. Just look at the bright side:
We humans beings are such as small creatures don’t be too much worried about everything “Treasure every moment then do what you want to do. Be broaden your view, as you broaden your mind and no worry very much about things are brothering you always..........Just do treasure your loved ones, then live safely and peacefully. Let’s always be happy welcome the coming of new day..........enjoys the sunshine as normal. So always look at all brighter the side of things.

101. Make it a different:
Just remember it no matter how small the deed? It really does make difference and make it be difference today!! Then make thing good for someone else, even just send this message to a friend, it’s expressing and letting them know, at lease someone care of them always................

102. Make different for today:
Please don’t stop yourself from doing a deed, just because it’s small or only because just one or few individual will benefit from it. And don’t matter how small the deed, it really does make a difference, so make a difference from now............!

103. Make everyday counts:
Why I said this word come out? Appreciate moments and take from it, as everything that you possibly can, for yourself make never to experience once again. Let’s tell yourself that you’re a greatest individual and believe it. For believe if you don’t believe yourself so no one else believe you either..........give this chance to you. Finally, you can make you life anything you wish, to create your own life and then go out to live to forever.

104. Make a dream become true:
How can you do this? Just keep your heart to dreams, for as long as there’s dream means there is HOPES. Similarly, as long as there hope.............means there’re joys in living in our beauty WORLD. Once again to remember, the special key to happiness is having dreams, and the key of success is to make your dreams become true in one day soon.

105. Mistakes is keep as your lesson:
Just reminding you that when you make a mistake don’t look back at it long.........and then take the reason of thing in to your mind and then look forward. Your mistakes are good lessons of wisdom, “The past can not change but the future is yet in your hands/power”

106. Never a rainbow:
Greet with laughter with second to you; if clouds then right after you’re skies clear and blue. It’s all in a life-time “Joy, sorrow, and pain.......etc” There never is rainbow till after the RAIN....!

107. Never give on anything:
It’s seen like madness why? Just to hate all rose; because to got scratched by one thorn. And to give up all dream; because it did not come true, as to lose faith in prayers; because one was not answered. Then to give up of afford; because one of them will be failed, as to condemn all your friends, because once of them betrayed. As same as, not to believe in loves; because one was unfaithful in one day, so remember that “Other chance may come up as a new friend, a new love, and a new life.......thus give up all anything around YOU GUY!!!

108. Never let them go:
To remember this, when you are failing and failing in your life, you’ll find arms that you catch & don’t let you failing. Please never let them go they always will always be open for you to fall back on.

109. Not ready for love:
To remember one more important thing “Only love can make you hurt, fill you with desire and tear you apart. That only love can make you cry, and only love know reasons why? So if you are not ready to cry, if you are not ready to take risk, and as you’re not ready to feel the pain, then DO NOT FEEL INTO LOVE with anyone”

110. Nothing is over:
Please don’t not give up when you still something to have, so remembered that nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.........

111. One day you’ll success:
That we should all try to have this in mind, why I said so? When we doing anything or trying to achieve something, persistence should be our “MOTTO” Nothing in this world can be achieve easily, and sometimes loose patience or loose faith. We should do is that keep on trying till we get it............Although, always bear in mind that all things need space and time. So nothing can we get immediately; even something can be achieve in a short spell, as while other can be take longer time to get it. But normally, in the process to achieving we should keep trying have this hope in once day. You must think that “I will succeed and it does happen that we finally will see the result.....!

112. Please paint your day:
In each is new canvas to paint upon, be make your picture is full of live and happiness; and at the end of the day you don’t look at it, and wish you had painted something different from your this wrong...
Will part VIII


At June 07, 2006 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How a very meanful article?. Thanks for sharing around. Best blog & good job!

At June 07, 2006 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the BEST!!!!!!!!!

At June 07, 2006 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheers for an interesting chapter,


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